NewsSuccess storiesschwarzes E-Bike vor weißem Hintergrund

GPS tracker leads to big find

The expensive e-bike was not safe at Berlin’s Mexikoplatz S-Bahn station. When the owner’s daughter returned there late in the evening, it had disappeared without a trace. It was the second bike that had been stolen from her in a short period of time. But there was one difference: the current missing bike was protected by a GPS tracker. A good decision which would pay off in the end.

Shock: e-bike gone
As the cyclist returned to her bike, which she had left at Berlin’s Mexikoplatz, late one evening, she couldn’t believe her eyes: it had gone. “Someone had stolen my daughter’s e-bike from the school yard just a few weeks before,” says her mother and owner. The insurance paid for the loss that time but the bike remained missing. Luckily, the current missing bike was fitted with a GPS tracking module. The daughter immediately reported the bike as stolen to the police and also informed them that it was still in Brandenburg, near Berlin, according to the live tracking feature in the app. The police first satisfied themselves that the bike was no longer at Mexikoplatz before sending colleagues in Brandenburg to the location indicated in the app. However, there were no developments at first. “We had to learn how to use the app first and discovered the same evening that you can also report the theft to IT’S MY BIKE directly in the app,” the victims said. They did so immediately. “We were thrilled that Customer Care called us back within a few minutes, even at such a late hour, and promised to send the exact position data and further information to the police.”

The big surprise: a major trove of booty
According to the GPS tracker, the bike was located in a garage in the town of Ludwigsfelde, near Berlin. The police obtained a search warrant. The link to the location data sent by IT’S MY BIKE and a photo of the bike had been very useful to obtain it. With the requested warrant in their pocket, the police officers searched the building in Ludwigsfelde on the same day that the tracking module had identified as the bike’s current location. And lo and behold! The system had not made a mistake: the officers seized the missing bike and informed the owner of their find by phone. She was able to pick the bike up from the police station near where it was found. She also learned more details about the raid: not only was her bike recovered, but also twenty others that had been stolen from all over Germany and put into storage in the garage.
“The tracker from IT’S MY BIKE made me and twenty other people who got their bike back very happy,” said the pleased owner.

Photo: An IT’S MY BIKE customer had a Bulls Cross Light Evo e-bike stolen in Berlin. The owner was able to pick it up from the police station just one day later.
(stock image. Photo and copyright: Bulls)