NewsSuccess storiesDiebstahl Paris - Dance

Bike theft in the heart of Paris

In Paris, bike thefts are no rarity. And so it’s no surprise when, at the end of June, another e-bike disappears. This time, it belongs to the Dance e-mobility company.

However, unlike many other bikes, this one can be retrieved. And this is thanks to a concealed GPS tracker.

Last year, Paris became increasingly safe for cyclists. New cycle paths were created, bicycle stands were built. But the problem of bike theft persisted. And on 27 June, too, at about 4:40 p.m., another bike thief makes off with an e-bike. This bike belongs to the subscription service provider Dance, and was parked in the 19th arrondissement in the centre of Paris.

First of all, a Dance employee reports the theft at a local police station. Now the alerted bike hunter team at IT’S MY BIKE can get going and track the stolen bike. Together with employees from Dance, they track the route taken by the thief. First, he travels from near the Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad just over a mile southward to the Place de la République.

At about 6 p.m. the thief turns round and heads off in the opposite direction for about three miles to Rue des Poissonniers. There, the bike finally comes to a stop for the night.

On the next day we’re off again – the bike is on the move at about 3 p.m. It’s not far from its previous location, in an industrial estate. The bike hunters seize this opportunity and immediately notify a Dance employee. Soon afterwards, with the help of IT’S MY BIKE, the employee can finally retrieve the bike. It’s chained to a bike stand – and there’s no trace of the thief.


Photo: Stock image Adobe Stock