Success for IT'S MY BIKE in Hamburg: expensive cargo bike back with its elated owner within four hours
The thieves broke open the lock on the pedelec shortly after midnight before heading to Osterbek Park less than 500 metres away. Three hours later, the bike was moved to Bambek-Nord, where it was then parked.
The owner didn’t discover his cargo bike was missing until twelve hours later but then reported it stolen immediately. Thanks to the built-in tracker, the bike was located just two kilometres away from its owner.
Working in coordination with the IT’S MY BIKE team, the police found the bike on a footpath an hour later. The thieves had covered it with a tarpaulin and secured it with a lock. Even though the police were unable to identify any suspects, the owner was able to collect his bike from the police station in the early afternoon, just four hours after reporting the theft.
Photo: Symbolbild / Adobe stock