"Fantastic for tech-savvy and security-conscious customers"
Daniel, why exactly did you decide to include IT’S MY BIKE in your range?
We mostly sell very expensive, top-end e-bikes. Our customers worry a great deal about their bikes. This product allows us to offer them a little more security.
What characterises your partnership with IT’S MY BIKE?
The process behind IT’S MY BIKE is fantastic. The team is highly motivated and is based in Germany. The app is made in Germany too. The contact persons implement each step such as communicating with the police and recovering bikes perfectly so that the user doesn’t need to do almost anything.
What exactly does the emergency assistant do?
The system activates if a rider happens to fall off their bike. There is an accident assistant which you can activate and which will then notify an accident control centre of the fall. If you should be riding alone in the woods, you have additional assurance since the GPS coordinates are also relayed to the control centre. For us, these are simply great crucial advantages which helped us decide to gladly include the product in our range.
What opportunities do digital accessories such as the GPS tracker create?
For me, IT’S MY BIKE has the big advantage that I can have the solution retrofitted at a later stage. More specifically, this means that I’m not only able to offer the product for new e-bikes. On the contrary, I can also offer it for used e-bikes which come in for a service. The offer is a fantastic one for both our tech-savvy and security-aware customers. We thus have the opportunity to draw our customers’ attention to the product proactively and generate additional sales at any time even in autumn and winter, the dead season.
What makes IT’S MY BIKE so special and what distinguishes the solution from other products on offer?
IT’S MY BIKE is sold exclusively via specialist retailers. We are then able to fit the product properly in ideal circumstances so that the customer will not have any problems at a later stage. The product is at the leading edge from a technical standpoint. Thanks to the radio standard, the bike is also easy to track down in basements or closed vehicles. Power consumption is low, so the tracking device can transmit for a very, very long period of time. This means the bike can also be tracked for considerable time.
How simple is it to install?
It is really easy for us as a dealer to install. If there is enough space in the motor compartment, you can fit the product within ten to fifteen minutes. The operating instructions are great. There is also a video tutorial.
Does the tracker find ready acceptance among customers?
The first reactions were really great. Particularly customers who had already had an e-bike stolen were totally positive. All other buyers of high-quality e-bikes were also pleased that there is such a solution.
How does IT’S MY BIKE assist retailers with installation and marketing of the product?
After the first trackers were delivered, we received a marketing package which included items such as stickers, a sales counter display and danglers to hang on bikes. These helped us to present the product in the store enormously. The IT’S MY BIKE team also drew our attention to the texts and images available for social media and promotional emails. This obviously helps us a lot.
What do you love about IT’S MY BIKE?
It is an additional means of protecting a bike. A tracker and an app give e-cyclists control over their bike at all times.
What arguments are you able use to easily convince your customers to acquire IT’S MY BIKE?
That there is additional protection for e-bikes which is easy to install and can be used to recover bikes in the event of a theft if necessary. This is major added value for the customer. They don’t need to order and wait a long time for a new bike.